Saratoga Program Prepares You For Fitness

Saratoga Program Prepares You For Fitness

Saratoga chiropractors Dr. Adam Favro and Dr. Patrick Campbell have launched a new program to help athletes and trainers get the most of the fitness experience. Foundations of Fitness was created to bridge the gap between injury and performance by using science and current rehab techniques to prepare people for the demand of exercise.

Three Exercises for Better Posture

Three Exercises for Better Posture

Assessing good posture or bad posture can be a challenge for even the most skilled provider. At Turning Point Chiropractic we strive to keep people moving in a healthy and safe way. So whether you think you have good or bad posture this article is sure to give you some more information on how to improve it.

Tips for Running in the Winter

Tips for Running in the Winter

Running in Saratoga Springs can be great in the summer but challenging in the winter. This article has some tips on staying safe if you chose to venture outside to get your miles in. Our Saratoga Springs chiropractic office has helped many runners stay fit and healthy through the winter months while still training outside.