
Turning Point Chiropractic remains open for emergency cases and ongoing care of current patients. We continue to take every precaution necessary to ensure the safety of our patients, their families, our staff and our community. As an essential service, we are doing everything we can to offset unnecessary visits to urgent care and emergency rooms for musculoskeletal complaints that can be managed conservatively through chiropractic care. 

We understand that for many of our current and prospective patients coming to the office might not be an option at this time. With this in mind, we are excited to announce Turning Point Chiropractic will begin offering virtual visits on April 6, 2020. Please see our list of frequently asked questions below to learn more about this new service. 

Virtual Visit FAQs

How can chiropractic care be beneficial via Telemedicine?

  • Chiropractors are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal pain. The vast majority of conditions can be diagnosed by a thorough subjective history. Telemedicine will allow your chiropractor to perform a detailed history, range of motion testing, orthopedic tests and functional movement screens. Our doctors at Turning Point Chiropractic also have extensive training in the rehab and corrective exercises that can be prescribed to accelerate the healing process.

How long will appointments last?

  • Appointments will last 30 minutes. 

What platform will your doctors use for virtual visits?

  • After careful research we have decided to use This platform does not require the patient to download any apps. An email will be sent with a hyperlink the patient clicks on and the visit will begin shortly after. All patients need is access to high speed internet and video from. 

Is this service covered by my insurance plan?

  • Some insurance plans are waiving all costs associated with Telemedicine due to COVID-19. This includes copays, coinsurance payments and deductibles. Our staff will reach out to your carrier before your scheduled appointment and verify that Telemedicine is covered under your particular plan.

Does Medicare cover Telemedicine?

  • At this time Medicare does not cover Telemedicine performed a chiropractor.

If this service is not covered by insurance how much will it cost?

  • We want to make this service accessible to all of our patients during this difficult time. As such, our current rate will be $30 per visit.

What if I don’t have an injury, would I still benefit from a Telemedicine appointment?

  • Yes, our doctors are also offering services to include ergonomic workstation evaluations and fitness program design.

How will I schedule an appointment?

  • You can call our office at 518-584-9500 or email fill out the form below. At this time we have limited our hours but will return your inquiry within 24 hours.