5 Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment After a Car Accident
Chiropractors are known for treatment muscles, tendons, joints, and problems relating to the central nervous system. Car accidents and the injuries sustained from them often involved all of those. Here are five benefits of chiropractic treatment after a car accident.
Reduce Inflammation
When the body experiences trauma, whether cumulative like running or acute like a car accident, the first line of defense is inflammation. The small vessels and tissues get damaged and blood pools around the injured tissues. While this helps to start the healing process, it also can lead to scar tissue build-up if not addressed appropriately. Chiropractors help restore movement to the area and use techniques to help reduce inflammation.
Reduce Pain
Pain in an auto accident varies. Depending on the type of accident and severity, pain may not show up for a week or more. It is important to remember that when we are in pain, we change the way we move to avoid the pain. This causes increased stress on muscles, joints, and tendons which leads to a longer recovery time and in some cases, long-term pain. Our chiropractors use non-invasive techniques to reduce pain which to help improve range of motion and prevent long-term effects.
Restore Range of Motion
Motion is lotion. Movement is medicine. Let’s face it, we were designed to move. Pain changes the way we move (see above) but it’s not the only thing that impacts the range of motion. Joint inflammation, muscle tension, and sprained ligaments can all reduce range of motion. Each one of those has to be tested and treated appropriately in order to restore range of motion properly.
Non-Invasive Treatment
Chiropractic by nature does not use drugs, surgery, or any invasive techniques to improve health. We use stretches, exercises, and hands-on techniques to restore movement patterns, build strength and improve stability. That means no recovery times and faster treatments.
Little or No Cost
We understand cost can be a barrier for some but if you have been involved in an auto accident, your medical costs are likely covered by your insurance company. All you have to do is bring us your insurance information and we will verify the benefits and handle all the billing requirements.
Car accidents can be devastating to the human body. Even if the accident itself was not severe, injuries can linger for decades. It is important to get evaluated and treated as soon as possible after a car accident as symptoms may not show up for a week or two after the car accident. In New York state, your auto insurance covers chiropractic care for car accidents with no expense to you.
If you or anyone you know has been in a car accident, they can schedule a FREE consultation with one of our doctors to see if chiropractic is right for them. It’s as simple as clicking here.