Three Exercises for Better Posture
If you are like most people, you sit the majority of your day. Whether it’s driving to work, driving for work, sitting at work or relaxing on the couch after a long day of work, sitting has become part of our life. Unfortunately, so has poor posture. Forward head carriage, rounded shoulder, and a slouching position can lead to long term health effects like chronic headaches, degenerative joint changes, and muscle strain. So sit up straight, relax your shoulders, and learn three new exercises to help improve your posture.
Proper posture can be defined as “the state of muscular and skeletal balance that protects the supporting structures of the body against injury”. Two important concepts to take from this definition are balance and protection. Our joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and fascia are designed to work a certain way. When we put them in an optimal position this serves as protection to repetitive strain or even traumatic events. Our body is also highly adaptable, but if we continuously stress the tissues in a way that they weren’t intended, we tend to fall into an injury cycle.
This week we are excited to share 3 of our favorite exercises to avoid the aches and pains that come with non-optimal posture.
Thoracic Wall Extension
The first exercise is a great way to stretch out the front of our shoulders and create some extension in our mid-back. To perform, find a wall and stand an arms length away from the wall. Extend the arms so there is very little to no bend in the elbows with the fingers pointing up. Slowly push your hips back and let your upper body fall between the arms, keeping the head in a neutral position. Hold for about 3 seconds and perform 10 repetitions.
2. Chin Tucks
Our second exercise is to put the head in a better position. For every inch forward your ears go past your shoulders it adds an extra 10-12 lbs that the muscles of the upper neck and back need to support. No wonder so many people carry tension in this area! This exercise can be performed sitting or standing. To perform, attempt to pull your chin back toward your spine. Try to avoid looking down when performing this exercise. Imagine your chin is on a table and you are sliding it back. Hold for 2 seconds and perform 10 repetitions. You know you are doing it right if you give yourself a double chin.
3. Modified Brügger
Our last exercise is to strengthen muscles around our shoulder blades. This exercise can also be performed sitting or standing. Start by obtaining a neutral head position by performing a chin tuck. Next, lightly pull your shoulder blades down and back (try not to shrug). With the elbows bent and palms up, rotate your hands outward. You should feel the muscles around your shoulder blades working if you are performing this correctly. Hold for 2 seconds and perform 10 repetitions.
In the office we tell patients the best posture is the next one. In other words, keep moving! That being said, we realize there are days and time where you must sit for long periods. Try the exercises above and check out our YouTube video for more exercises and stretches to help improve your posture!